October 22, 2009

5 things you can do with that old makeup

Posted in makeup tips, the top 5 tagged , , , , at 10:56 pm by smashley16

Don’t try to deny it. You KNOW you have extra makeup lying around somewhere that you completely forgot existed.

I can see it on your face. You agree with me. But don’t worry kids, I can fully admit to this as well. I have a full makeup case (see My Arsenal) that hasn’t ever been touched on a regular basis. To be honest, the only time I ever used it was for my sister’s makeup on Halloween. Not even kidding.

So, without further adieu, I am going to come up with a list to help you with this undying question (you know you think about it everyday…)

1. Sell it.
~ yes, if you have unused (and by unused, I really mean UNUSED) makeup, there are Web sites out there that you can sell it on (think Ebay, Amazon, and Craigslist). Believe me, someone will buy it.
Give it to a friend.
~ This is probably going to be the most practical out of them all…and the most lazy. Yes, if you think your friends will take more use out of your old makeup than you will, then by all means, give it to them. This plan isn’t foolproof, however, and if your old makeup is so used that it’s worthless to you, then it is most likely worthless to them as well. Don’t be stingy.
Recycle it.
~ How Can I Recycle This? is a blog all about what to do with the old “junk” lying around your house. Yup.
4. Charity shops.
~Related to tip 1, thrift shops will take in your old makeup, being that it is in good condition and it doesn’t look overly used. It won’t cost you to ship it out to a potential buyer, and you can feel good that it will go to someone who needs it more than you, who obviously didn’t need it as it was just sitting around your house. Ashamed (kidding, kidding).
~ I know, this is not what you wanted me to say. But, I’m saying it. Bright and bold makeup has come back into play these days. Got extremely bold eyeshadow? Buy yourself a thin brush, or better yet, use a Q-Tip, and apply it like you would eyeliner on your lid. You can downplay ridiculous lipstick by applying it with a brush and place lip gloss over it.
~The only makeup that you should NOT use again are: mascara, eyeliner (the pencil), and compact foundation. These can develop different kinds of gross bacteria that can seriously mess up your skin and your eyes.

Just remember to have fun with it!! That would be the most important advice I could ever give to you!! 🙂